Friday, July 22, 2011

How affections affects your decision's effects.

Hi all. It's me, Shazzy. It's been a while eh? If anyone is even reading this. I'm too lazy to colour in words and put pictures in and all that so I'll keep this plain.

I have been curious lately at the effects of affections in our daily lives. Most would believe that having affections means a better life but some do not understand that affections can effect your decision making skills and it can also alters the outcome of many, many events that are to occur soon. Seriously, affections might be sweet but it is a thorn.

True, affections make you feel like you own the world. Like everything you do is for something. Like everything you do have a reason. Like everything you say is meaningful. Especially if that affection is someone of opposite sex that you treasure, or your family, the two persons you're most in debt to - your parents.

But it can also do you harm. It can consume your time, your money, you focus. You tend to do stupid weird things than normal when you have an affection towards something, or someone. 

I serve as a reminder. Remember that however much your affections are, don't do stupid weird things. Know your limits. Know your right and wrongs. Care for those who care for you. Choose the right friends. Don't waste your life. Life is to be lived, not wasted.

Shazmeel 'Samad' Azeman

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